Don’t you wish you could have some extra cash on hand when things get tight, or when you want to splurge on a fun vacation? It seems there are endless options out there that claim to help you earn money fast, but how many of them are legit and not scams? Well, lucky for you, there are some great options out there with easy ways to earn some quick money. Many survey companies out there pay you to take surveys and give you points for random items or gift cards to obscure websites you would never shop at normally. To make money online PayPal is the way to go. That way, you can be paid through your PayPal account and receive real cash instead of just useless points.
How Can I Earn PayPal Money?
There are several ways to earn extra money through PayPal. A great benefit of using PayPal is you can quickly receive money, instead of waiting the several days that it takes a check to process with your bank. Another wonderful benefit of PayPal is increased safety pertaining to your personal information. It is much safer to give your PayPal account information to a company so they can transfer money to you than to give them the direct numbers of your bank account.
One of the most common ways to earn money fast with PayPal is by taking surveys online. One reputable survey option is Opinion Outpost. They have a wide variety of topics for online surveys in the app. The money that you earn goes directly into your PayPal account, instead of being translated into reward points.
When you have a little bit of spare time in between appointments or are on a lunch break, instead of pulling out your phone and scrolling through social media or playing games, give Survey Junkie a try. Survey Junkie has thousands, if not millions, of quick 5-15 minute online surveys on their app for you to browse through and complete so you can earn money. Once you sign up, be sure to choose the surveys that are marked with a green diamond. You are more likely to qualify for those. Once you complete the survey, you can redeem your points and convert them into gift cards, or directly into PayPal cash, which converts instantly, making this an excellent option when you need cash right away.
Another great option if you want to get paid some extra cash is Ibotta. Essentially, you get paid to shop with the Ibotta app. You complete simple tasks, like watching a short video or taking a survey, to unlock cash-back bonuses on items at the grocery store. Ibotta works at nearly 300 stores, including Walmart, Target, Costco, Sam’s Club, Albertson’s, Walgreens, and CVS Pharmacy. You then purchase the item and scan the receipts you get from grocery shopping, and your cash-back bonus is automatically added to your Ibotta account. Once you’ve accumulated at least $20 in your Ibotta account, you can transfer it to PayPal account and use the money.
How Can I Get Free PayPal Money?
Swagbucks is an awesome option to earn free PayPal money. Join Swagbucks to earn points through their mobile app. They pay you with points to watch videos, shop online, do surveys, and search the web. Those points are then converted into PayPal gift cards that you can use anywhere. You also have the option to earn a gift card to places like Walmart, Target, and Amazon instead of just PayPal.
Prize Rebel is a wonderful resource with tons of online surveys to start earning points. A bonus of using Prize Rebel is when you redeem your points, they are instantly converted into free PayPal cash instead of waiting several hours or days, making this a perfect choice if you need cash rewards in a pinch.
PointsPrizes is another easy way to earn free PayPal money. You can either earn redeemable points by taking surveys or by visiting websites. With Adblocking services being so prevalent today, many places will pay you to simply visit their website and click on their links, test their products, or even pay you for playing games, all so they can get their name out there and bring more traffic to their website.
Earn Cash Wisely
As you can see, there are many different ways that you can earn money online with PayPal. Some are easier than others and just require you to watch short commercial videos or complete short surveys, whereas others require you to put in a little more time and effort and plan your shopping list ahead of time and remember to scan your receipts afterward. As always, be careful when giving your information to people online and avoid any survey companies that ask for personal information, like your bank information or social security number, since those places are scams. So, grab your phone, start taking surveys, and begin to earn extra money and see the cash roll in.